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Blog-blogan: Wednesday Nov. 28, 2007

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Wednesday Nov. 28, 2007

Patient's initial: A. Z.
Age: 82
Case: Hip Fracture (left leg)

12:00am Urine output was small in amount. Mr. Z had hiccups every hour.

02:00am Urine output was medium in amount.

07:30am Dr. Y visited. Replaced Dr. U's medications. Mr. Z was very weak. Took oxygen.

11:30am Mr. Z was experiencing dyspnea (difficulty in breathing).

12:00nn Mr. Z was experiencing dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) he was sent to ICU by Dr. S's group. He was not alert and response was minimal. He was breathing by breathing machine. All medication are through IVs.

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